Greetings and welcome to a new year. The fall was busy and not well documented. The 8th graders (and some demerit hall attendees) spent class time and Saturdays respectively, cleaning beds, making compost and putting the garden away for the winter. We have not done a lot of tilling or cultivating as the winter has been wet, cold and often with a good snow layer on the ground. Indoors, we have been very busy. Seeds are ordered and in. Eighteen (18) varieties have already been planted in indoor growing beds (flats under grow lights) and we can't wait to see them sprout and develop. Lettuces, onions, broccoli, cabbage, kohl rabi, leeks, and turnips have been started. The planting log is at the bottom of this page with more info on varieties, types and quantities. We anticipate bed prep and direct seeding of many spring garden favorites in the next few weeks as time and weather permit. Gifts from the Mothers and Fathers clubs include two cold frames, a new Mantis tiller and a new composter, giving us a total of 4 composters now. We hope to be planting out into the cold frames soon! Good to be back and itching to go! The MBA Garden Crew.
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